dawn m. brancati

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 Egypt (April 2017, April/May 2018; May 2019, March 2020)

AUC Graffiti Tahrir Square Cairo Tower Pyramid
Political graffiti on walls of AUC's old campus. The regime painted over  graffiti from the Arab Spring, but new graffiti has replaced it.
Tahrir Square, site of the 2011 protests, where upwards of a million people converged to demand the removal of Mubarak from power, democracy, as well as social and economic justice. Cairo Tower. Apparently built by Nasser from money the US offered as a bribe to embarrass the US. Not sure if Nasser was insulted by the bribe or the amount offered. Giza Pyramids. Antiquities sold on the black market are a major source of funding for terrorist groups globally.  Let's seem them try to move this one.
Al Jazerra blocked and workarounds that throw your IP are also blocked.
Karnak Temple, Luxor. Heightened security around historical sites.
Luxor Airport to Cairo at midday, bereft of tourists. Tourism declined sharply after 2011, but has been on the uptick in recent years.
Ramesses II Wuz Here... Ramesses II, not wanting future pharaohs to obliterate his cartouche and hieroglyphics, had them engraved very deeply into the stone.